Current Swestore Medium Projects

This page lists current Swestore Medium projects. Use the left-side menu to view other types.

Note: From the spring of 2020, Swestore resources have also been available in the Large Storage rounds. From the beginning of 2021, Swestore resources have also been available in the Medium Storage and Small Storage rounds and new projects will not show up here under the separate Swestore heading.

Research Areas

The area is based on the three-digit level (forskningsämnesgrupp) from Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen applied to the primary classification.

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (1)

The status of genetic diversity in Swedish conifer forests: are there reasons for concern?

Xiao-Ru Wang, Umeå universitet
2020-10-01 – 2024-10-01

Other (1)

Note: projects using the deprecated six-digit classification codes may end up under this heading.

Testing and monitoring of Swestore

Jens Larsson, Swestore
2014-01-01 – 2030-01-01