We are using RNA-seq and genome-wide DNA methylation (array-based) to assign accurate subtypes to paediatric leukemia patients.
Resource usage:
backup: 3 Tib
nobackup: 5 Tib
1000 core/hours per month should be sufficient for our project.
We are in the process of collecting all the data that should be moved into this project in project b2011214 on Milou. Thus, the entire b2011214 project should be moved to Bianca.
Of note!!!! This project contains data where analysis is on-going and Yanara is currently analysing data for the last paper in her PhD, which is to be submitted in Feb 2018. We have a DNAmethylation prediction pipeline that was built on Milou and hope to be able to continue to run it on Milou. We are concerned that it might not work on Bianca and given the time crunch with her PhD it would be extremely difficult if we have to re-build the pipeline on Bianca. I hope that we can keep our project active on Milou as long as possible to insure that we can run all samples through the pipeline.