Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder affecting about 50 million individuals of all ages worldwide, including 80,000 individuals in Sweden. The PREDICT Cohort is an ongoing data collection since 2020. Collected blood samples are stored at the Biobank Väst. The first wave have thus far included >500 subjects that have been genotyped using GSA-MD at SciLifeLab in Uppsala.
With this project application, we aim to complete imputation of SNP array data from the PREDICT study. The Haplotype Reference Consortium (HRC) reference panel v.1.1 will be used as reference. We have a separate approval for access to this panel from the European Genome-Phenome Archive / Sanger Institute. Subsequent analyses of imputed data will be conducted locally at the University of Gothenburg. Consequently, we aim to delete data from UPPMAX once the imputation protocol is finalized.