Computing data space for eDNA metabarcoding analyses

NAISS 2024/23-743


NAISS Small Storage

Principal Investigator:

Marina Panova


Göteborgs universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10611: Ecology



This storage project will be used to continue analyses of eDNA metabarcoding data in the two projects: 1. Marine biodiversity associated with kelp forests at the Swedish West coast 2. The effect of small-scale marine aquaculture on marine biodiversity. The macroalgae (kelps) are known to provide habitats to many benthic invertebrates and fish species but so far studies on their effect on biodiversity have been limited to particular group of organisms or species. We will use the power of eDNA to describe the whole species communities associated with the kelp forests and in areas outside. Small-scale marine aquacultures, such as marine community gardens ("marina kolonilotter") are suggested to have positive effects through uptake of nutrients, reducing particles in the waters and providing substrate for other species. However, there is no quantitative studies of this effect. We will use eDNA to investigate the impact of small-smale marine aquaculture on biodiversity as part of EU HORIZON project investigating the potential for small-scale aquaculture in Nordic countries. Both projects started in 2024 and will be continued in 2025 - see Activity report. In the kelp project the sampling was conducted in the spring 2024 and the sequencing was performed at the Core Facility at the Gothenburg university (Bioinformatics Data Centre, a part of SciLifelab) in the summer 2024. More detailed analyses will be performed in the beginning of 2025, and the results will be presented in a scientific publication. In the small-scale marine aquaculture, the first sampling round was done in the summer 2024 and the sequencing was performed at the Core Facility in the autumn 2024. The second sampling round will be performed in summer 2025 and sequenced at the Core Facility. The project deliveries (a report and a scientific publication) are due by June 2026.