This research explores the interaction between fusion-born alpha particles and microturbu lence in fusion plasmas using high-performance computational simulations. Alpha particles are essential for sustaining plasma and achieving energy confinement in fusion reactors, but their accumulation can degrade performance by reducing confinement and fusion reaction rates. Building on previous studies of the JET deuterium-tritium (DTE2) experiments, this work extends the investigation to high-performance scenarios from the recent DTE3 campaign, focusing on cases with enhanced deuterium beam power to validate findings over a broader parameter range.
Simulations using the GENE code will examine alpha particle density and pressure gradient effects, identifying conditions for the onset of fast particle-driven Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes (TAEs). The study will also utilize the IMAS framework to estimate alpha particle populations and compare experimental data with the ETS framework. By assessing the balance between turbulence suppression by zonal flows and the destabilizing effects of TAEs, this work will guide the development of reduced physics models.
Furthermore, this research topic is an impetus to conduct gyrokinetic experiments through simulations in order to assess the mode structure and whether this changes, during the different stages of a discharge. This investigation will be carried out at 3 different radial locations, thus maximizing the amount of information extracted.
The JET data will additionally be of value for gyrokinetic research at the L-mode edge. One of the most crucial aspects of the L-mode shortfall problem is the of turbulence that resides there, where it is postulated that ion scale turbulence is quenched and electron-scale modes persist. In order to ascertain which modes dominate the edge region, linear eigenvalue Gene simulations will be utilized to answer this question. (Little cost to total run budget).
The project aims to enhance understanding of alpha particle dynamics and their impact on plasma performance, the mode structure of the turbulence over the different shot stages and hone in on the kind of turbulent transport at the L-mode edge, contributing critical insights for optimizing ITER and DEMO reactors.