Våld mot män i nära relationer




Principal Investigator:

Maja Bodin


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

30302: Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology



In recent years, there has been an increased focus on men as victims of violence in intimate relationships. This can be seen as part of a general trend within the Nordic countries. An increased focus on men exposed to violence has great significance for how resources are distributed and support agencies are designed. It also affects how violence in close relationships is understood and treated as a social or structural problem. Although abused men have been more in focus in the last ten years, including in the media and in political action plans, research on abused men is still limited and there is a lack of studies on men's help-seeking behavior and support needs. The overall aim of the current study is to increase knowledge about men's exposure to violence in close relationships by studying how the violence manifests itself, the men's help-seeking, and their need for support from authorities and other organizations. Data is collected through individual interviews with men who have been exposed to violence in close relationships. A further aim is to analyze the outcome of the support line for men exposed to violence which has existed since February 2023 and which is run by NCK at Uppsala University and Akademiska sjukhuset on behalf of the Government. Data is collected through the call register kept by NCK and focus group discussions with the staff working on the helpline. The qualitative material is analyzed thematically and the quantitative is analyzed statistically. The results are presented in an official report and in scientific articles. The knowledge that is generated will be able to form the basis for the continued development of interventions aimed at men who are exposed to violence in close relationships.