The storage project supports the numerical work (analyses / calibrations / predictions) performed within the Chalmers railway mechanics project on tread braking capacity (see above link). The project investigates thermomechanical behaviour of (railway) steel up to some 850 degrees centigrade using Chaboche type material models. Complex material behaviour is found requiring use of Fortran user subroutines in Abaqus for carrying out numerical studies of railway wheel behaviour. The efforts are supported by full scale testing, necessitating work on model calibration. In the near future, also rolling contact analyses at elevated temperatures will be studied, which from previous work is known to generate large amounts of data. Data are often output both as binary and text files.
UPDATE NOVEMBER 2024: Today we have an additonal PhD student working on a similar topic, meaning that we now are 3 persons who share the resources instead of 2 persons. This is motivation for asking for higher disk quota.