Pregnancy - a window for investigating future maternal and offspring health




Principal Investigator:

Erik Lampa


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

30220: Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine




Recently, there has been a lot of attention towards an association between pregnancy complications and future health in the mother, as well as in the offspring. Women who have had preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, stillbirth, preterm birth, pregnancies complicated by placental abruption or birth of an infant small for gestational age (SGA) have higher risks of cardiovascular disease later in life. Further, women who have had preeclampsia or gestational diabetes have increased risk of type 2 diabetes later in life. In addition, women with preeclampsia may also suffer from an increased risk of epileptic seizures, dementia and cognitive function decline months to years after pregnancy. Today, pregnancy is seen as a stress test of the cardiovascular and metabolic system of the mother. Pregnancy complications and maternal chronic disease are specific risk factors for future adverse health in both mother and offspring. Pathways that link pregnancy complications and future adverse health need to be elucidated to increase the knowledge of how women with pregnancy complications can be counselled antepartum and postpartum, as well as optimal follow up for their offspring. This will give us an opportunity to use pregnancy as a window for future health and customize surveillance and treatment for these women and their children. Aims: - To elucidate pathways leading to adverse health after a complicated pregnancy or intrauterine environment for the mother and the offspring. - To investigate the effect of interventions (medical and behavioral therapeutics) before- and during pregnancy on pregnancy and labor outcomes and potential maternal and infant side effects.