High fidelity simulation of turbulent reacting flows for clean energy processes

NAISS 2024/5-592


NAISS Medium Compute

Principal Investigator:

Christophe Duwig


Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

20301: Applied Mechanics

Secondary Classification:

20401: Chemical Process Engineering



Reacting flows are a key in most transportation systems and several major energy production processes. In line with the need of clean energy, we are pushing toward usage of new biofuels and most efficient combustion systems. To do so, a better understanding of the combustion process is needed, in particular its interaction with turbulence. We tackle this problem with detailed simulations, resolving the important scales of turbulence while modelling the important features of complex chemistry. The goal is to model judiciously a complex and chaotic process. A new part of the project will focus on integrating flue gas cleaning in the combustion strategy. We have started a new project (financed by FORMAS) to use the knowledge resulting from combustion studies to establish gas clean (aftertreatment) strategies using cold plasma. The team is growing with an additional post-doc joined in 2021 and one more post-doc coming in 2022. It will increase our CPU usage :-)