RNA-seq data analysis

NAISS 2024/22-1197


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Muluken Enyew


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10203: Bioinformatics (Computational Biology) (applications to be 10610)




This request seeks access to the NAISS server for the analysis of RNA sequencing data generated from Sorghum bicolor in our recent experiments. We have a total of 96 samples, consisting of four plants, each sampled from two tissue types and two growth stages, with three replications for each condition. The primary objective of this analysis is to identify differentially expressed genes and elucidate underlying biological pathways associated with our experimental conditions. Utilizing the computational resources and tools available on the NAISS server will enable us to conduct comprehensive analyses, including quality control, read alignment, and statistical evaluation of gene expression. We anticipate that the insights gained from this analysis will significantly contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms at play and inform future experimental designs. We kindly request the necessary permissions and support to proceed with our RNA-Seq data analysis on the NAISS server.