European hydrogen infrastructure simulations

NAISS 2024/22-1247


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Joel Löfving


Chalmers tekniska högskola

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

20304: Energy Engineering



In order to avoid adverse effects of global warming, new renewable fuels and energy carriers need to be scaled for widespread use. However, there are many technology options, many of which are not mature yet, and as such planning of the future energy system is a challenge. Hydrogen is proposed by governments across the world as one of the interesting fuels for the future. However, production and distribution of hydrogen is very expensive, and much is unknown about the preferable strategies under different technology development scenarios. In this project, we simulate production and consumption of hydrogen, with very high geospatial detail, across all of Europe for 2050. This allows us to, in detail, investigate preferable development pathways on both the macro and the local scale. Similar simulations and optimization studies have been carried out previously, but with the higher level of detail in our assessment, we aim to uncover new insights to the workings of the energy system.