As a first project, I will start with virus sequencing data. Sugar beets are infected by different viruses. RT-PCR and sequence analyses of parts of the virus genomes. For a more complete picture, we will carry out RNAseq for identification of all viruses in 5 samples of sugar beet (4 virus-infected samples and 1 healthy sample) and one sample of rapeseed. In this way, we aim to determine the full-genome sequences of the previously identified viruses as well as other possibly present viruses and RNA-satellites. The overall project aim is to have better knowledge of the viruses causing virus yellows, which would allow improved management strategies, including the breeding of virus-resistant crop cultivars. Once I am done with this project, another co project will be launched.
As a second project, we may analyse ampliseq data and we will transfer all data to dardel and work there