Effect of phthalates on endometrial cells

NAISS 2024/22-1075


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Nadja Visser


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

30108: Cell and Molecular Biology




Endocrine disruprive chemicals are compounds that interfere with hormone balances and can be found troughout the environment. Phthalates, a group of plasticiser, are considered EDCs and found in consumer products like plastic packiging, make-up and shampoo. Phthalates get metabolized quickly and have been found in many different bodily fluids like urine, follicular fluid and breast milk. For many of these compounds, we do not know the effect on the female reproductive system. Several studies show negative associations of phthalates with reproductive outcomes like miscarriage, preterm birth and IVF successrate. Some studies show effects of phthalates on the ovary. However, the endometrium harbours the implantation side for the embryo. Stromal cells related changes during the menstrual cycle are nessecary for a successful embryo implantation. Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell. Mitochondria can fuse into long tubular structures or separate into smaller and rounder structures, based on the needs of the cell. These mitochondrial dynamics are managed by sveral proteins that work tightly together with the actin cytoskeleton. Our previous study showed that phthalate metabolite mixtures, consisiting of phthalates measured in urine samples of women, affect gene expression of different types of endometrial cells. Many genes and processes related to mitochondria and the actin cyctoskeleton were affected by phthalate mixtures, with MEHHP being the main actor in all mixtures. Therefore, we investigate the effect of phthalate metabolite MEHHP on endometrial stromal cells.