Spectral properties of topological superconductors

NAISS 2024/22-894


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Jorge Cayao


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10304: Condensed Matter Physics




Topological superconductivity is a new superconducting state of matter that hosts Majorana fermions, charge neutral quasiparticles that hold promise for quantum computation free of decoherence. This project aims at realizing topological superconductors using Rashba semiconductors and multiband materials, both in combination with conventional s-wave superconductivity. Moreover, this project will detect the formation of the topological phase and its Majorana fermions by exploiting transport and spectroscopic observables, such as the density of states, conductance and the Josephson effect. With these tools, it will be possible to also characterize the nature of the emergent superconducting correlations. The entire duration of this project is expected to be 1 year. However, the first phase of this proposal is expected to require 6 months. In December 2024, I will evaluate the progress with this small allocation and decide to request extra allocation or apply for a medium project. I must also say that the calculations are expected to be run by my two postdocs and also myself, so it is reasonable to evaluate the progress of this project after 6 months, taking the feedback of all the involved persons. As a whole, this project will provide fundamental understanding of superconductivity in Kagome and Rashba materials but also will open possibilities for advancing the fields towards applications in superconducting electronics.