Studying genetic diversity in aquatic environments

NAISS 2024/22-880


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Yeserin Yildirim


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10203: Bioinformatics (Computational Biology) (applications to be 10610)




I am applying for continuation of this project. As mentioned in my activity report, the sequencing data for this project was problematic. We had to re-sequence the DNA libraries, whic took several months. I could start working on the new data only after the new year (2023). Therefore, I need one more year to finalise this project. Please see the Abstract below: One of the negative effects of urbanization on biodiversity is the habitats fragmentation and the disturbances to the connectivity among the habitat patches. Species can be affected differentially from habitat fragmentation depending on their unique ecology, the environmental conditions, and the landscape futures. We study species-genetic diversity correlations in urban ponds in Stockholm with the help of genetic and environmental data to understand the contribution of the site, habitat connectivity and community composition on the relationship of species and genetic diversity. Accordingly, we have genetic data (ddRADseq) from different species collected from several ponds, community data and environmental data from the ponds. More specifically, we collected data from three species of aquatic invertebrates (beetle, isopod, snail) and an amphibian species (the common frog) from 8 to 30 locations depending on the species. Our study species differ in terms of their dispersal abilities and lifestyles, and the ponds differ in their environmental conditions and connectivity so that we can test different hypothesis and search for general patterns.