Development of new technologies for the study of the non-heritable cellular differences.

NAISS 2024/23-392


NAISS Small Storage

Principal Investigator:

Vicente Pelechano Garcia


Karolinska Institutet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

30108: Cell and Molecular Biology




One of the major challenges in biology is to understand how seemingly identical cells respond differently to the same stimuli. In some cases, a different behavior can be explained by changes in their inheritance (mutations in the DNA). In other cases, however, cells that share the same inheritance (clonal cells) may respond differently to the same stimuli. This project focus on the development of new technologies for the study of the non-heritable factors facilitating the escape of cancer cells from treatment. To achieve that, we will combine molecular biology, DNA sequencing and bioinformatics. We will investigate how the association of multiple proteins to our DNA can control cellular responses, and how those responses may vary across cells. We will also develop novel approaches to investigate up to what degree protein production varies across cells and the relevance of those differences for cancer cell survival. In summary, this project aims to expand our ability to study how clonal cells respond to external challenges and will develop novel genome-wide technologies to investigate those processes.