Direct Numerical Simulation of CO2 Capture

NAISS 2024/5-332


NAISS Medium Compute

Principal Investigator:

Christophe Duwig


Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

20401: Chemical Process Engineering

Secondary Classification:

20301: Applied Mechanics



This project focuses on the sustainable goal Clean and Affordable Energy, especially by enabling negative emissions by capturing biogenic CO2. It is an important milestone towards a climate-neutral society. The technology used for BeCCS is partly established and available. Nevertheless, it is costly and innovations are expected to accelerate the implementation of new BeCCS functions. In this project, we will simulate, optimize, construct and test a new and innovative solution for CO2 capture, i.e. removal from the exhaust gases. The innovation enables CAPEX -40% & OPEX -50% compared to the best available technology. Finally, a full cost estimate will be performed and a detailed demonstration plan will be proposed. The technical goals are: - To simulate with high accuracy the absorption of carbon dioxide from droplets and subsequent gas / droplet separation for a wide range of absorption and operating conditions. This tool will be validated with customized experiments performed by another researcher. - Develop a cost estimation tool for the new device in a traditional BeCCS process and optimize layout and operating conditions. The tool will be automatic and guide design choices and technical choices incl. selection of the absorbent solution. To that end we will use direct numerical simulation to capture the details of CO2 capture by droplets of solvents. It includes resolving turbulent heat and mass transfer, interfacial heat and mass transfer as well as chemical reactions inside the liquid phase.