Investigating evolution of metabolic plasticity of earlier eukaryotic organisms.

NAISS 2024/6-177


NAISS Medium Storage

Principal Investigator:

Aleksej Zelezniak


Chalmers tekniska högskola

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10203: Bioinformatics (Computational Biology) (applications to be 10610)

Secondary Classification:

10601: Structural Biology

Tertiary Classification:

10610: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (methods development to be 10203)




Advances Proteins fold into 3D structures that determine how they function and orchestrate the biological processes of the cell. Recent developments in protein structure modelling have led to protein structure predictions that have reached the accuracy of experimental models, allowing to systematically test new biological hypotheses at a large scale. Here we will apply AlphaFold 2 to model ~8000 protein structures of 14 yeast species to investigate the long-standing question of the evolution of the metabolic networks from a structural perspective. Understanding the metabolism has important implications for the generation of therapies for cancer treatment. The study combines efforts from a consortium of multiple international labs to study uncharacterized eukaryotic species to provide mechanistic insights into the evolution of modern cellular metabolism through the combination of genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics and now structural biology.