AI for education

NAISS 2024/22-733


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Yongchao Wu


Stockholms universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10201: Computer Sciences




The project AI for education is carried at Stockholm University. We are researching how AI(computer vision, natural language processing) could help effective teaching and learning for teachers and students. We are now working with projects including educational concept extraction, educational knowledge graph, collaborative learning, automatic grading, and educational text generation(quiz generation for example)., and LLMs as intelligent tutor. We seek support from the High-Performance Computing (HPC) platform to advance our work on large language models (LLMs) as intelligent educational agents. Our focus is on enhancing the reasoning abilities of LLMs, a task that demands substantial computational power. By leveraging the capabilities of HPC, we aim to significantly improve the performance and efficiency of LLMs, enabling them to serve as more effective and intelligent tools in educational settings. The extensive computational resources provided by HPC are crucial for handling the complex calculations and large-scale data processing required to achieve these advancements.