Air-Sea-Ice Interactions and Climate Extremes

NAISS 2024/2-9


NAISS Large Storage

Principal Investigator:

Lichuan Wu


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10508: Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences

Secondary Classification:

10501: Climate Research



Climate change is an urgent global issue, and its impact is becoming increasingly visible worldwide. One of the most concerning consequences of climate warming is the rise in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. To better address this challenge, it is crucial to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that drive the generation of these events, particularly their large-scale dynamics. To this end, our project aims to investigate how such dynamics can trigger the occurrence of diverse extreme weather phenomena in distant geographical locations. We will also examine how the interplay between the atmosphere, sea, and ice contributes to the development of severe weather systems, such as cyclones and atmospheric rivers. By shedding light on these complex processes, we hope to provide insights that can inform effective climate mitigation strategies and enable more accurate predictions of future climates.