Barley ert-c and ert-k 171026

NAISS 2024/5-266


NAISS Medium Compute

Principal Investigator:

Mats Hansson


Lunds universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10602: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology



Reduced plant height and culm robustness are quantitative characteristics important for assuring cereal crop yield and quality under adverse weather conditions. A very limited number of short-culm mutant alleles were introduced into commercial crop cultivars during the Green Revolution although more than 1000 different short-culm barley mutants have been isolated and classified in different phenotypic groups according to culm length and additional pleiotropic characters. We are currently employing available short-culm barley mutants in order to identify the genes responsible for regulation of culm length. In the present project we focus on the barley genes ert-c and ert-k, which are key genes for regulation of plant architecture. We have performed exome capture analyses of 24 mutants and will now analyze these NGS sequences in order to identify the ert-c and ert-k genes.