Insect Biome Atlas

NAISS 2024/5-207


NAISS Medium Compute

Principal Investigator:

Fredrik Ronquist


Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10612: Biological Systematics



Insect Biome Atlas (IBA) is an international collaborative effort to describe in detail the insect faunas of two biologically and geologically very different countries: Sweden and Madagascar. The project is one of the largest ongoing insect biodiversity surveys to date. Collection phase lasted a whole year (2019) in each country and was done by means of Malaise traps: 200 in Sweden and 50 in Madagascar. Summing up, the IBA collected more than 8000 insect community samples. Several other types of samples and ecological measurements were also collected at the trap sites to gather a full understanding of the ecological roles of the organisms that comprise the insect biome in these countries. Analysis of the samples include identification of all insects and the organisms they interact with, such as pathogens as well as symbiotic fungi and bacteria - this is achieved by using novel DNA techniques. The results and material collected during the IBA project will be useful for scientists interested in systematics, taxonomy and insect ecology and evolution for many years to come. The research is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. It involves collaboration with SLU, SU and SciLifeLab (Anders Andersson) in Sweden and Madagascar Center for Biodiversity (Madagascar/California, USA) and Jagiellonian University (Poland).