Validation of the surrogate model for calculating isomeric yield ratios with nuclear data

NAISS 2024/22-576


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Andreas Solders


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10301: Subatomic Physics




In the previous project [NAISS 2023-22-271], Zhihao Gao et al. [arXiv: 2402.14584] has developed a surrogate model for calculating isomeric yield ratios from different initials of the primary fission fragment. This model has been used to estimate the angular momenta in proton-induced fission of 238U. At the same time, the number of emitted neutrons and gamma-rays from the primary fission fragments can be obtained from the surrogate model. In principle, the surrogate model should be validated with the experimental data of neutron emission and gamma-ray emission. However, there is no nuclear data from the proton-induced fission for that validation. Thermal neutron-induced fission and spontaneous fission of 252Cf haven been well studied, of which a lot of nuclear data is available. Hence, the experimental data on neutron emission and gamma-ray emission from these nuclear fissions is available to validate the surrogate model. For the fission fragments in each fission reaction, the surrogate model calculates their de-excitation process and presents the number of emitted neutron and gamma rays. The calculated results will be compared with the retrieval experimental data. After the validation, the model will be used to deduce the angular momenta in the thermal n-induced fission and the spontaneous fission of 252Cf based on published isomeric yield ratios in ENDF. The validation and further development of the model require a lot of computation resources. Parallel computation method will be used.