Chrononutritional Epidemiology and Cardiovascular Disease - Meal patterns, chronotypes and cardiometabolic health




Principal Investigator:

Frida Carlsson


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

30302: Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology




Chrononutritional Epidemiology and Cardiovascular Disease - Meal patterns, chronotypes and cardiometabolic health Health effects of timing and frequency of eating occasions has yielded interest through the past years. Although intermittent fasting has been suggested to improve cardiometabolic risk markers in interventional studies, observational studies have shown opposing results. The overall aim of the project is to investigate whether meal patterns are associated with cardiovascular disease. The project will also investigate the relationships between chronotype, meal frequency and cardiovascular disease. In study 1, we will evaluate the validity of a meal frequency assessment included in the SIMPLER Lifestyle questionnaire. Furthermore, the aim is to examine meal patterns and dietary habits with a cross-sectional study design. In study 2, the aim is to investigate if meal patterns (meal frequency/meal skipping) are associated with cardiovascular disease risk and cardiovascular disease mortality in Swedish men and women with a longitudinal prospective study design. The aim is also to investigate if meal patterns are associated with risk markers for cardiovascular diseas. In study 3, the aim is to investigate if candidate gene indicated chronotype is associated with meal patterns. The aim is also to investigate if meal patterns are associated with sleep quality and duration. A cross-sectional study design will be used. In study 4, the aim is to further investigate the role of meal frequency and diet quality in chronotype-associated cardiovascular disease risk.