Prediction of adverse cytotoxic drug responses

NAISS 2024/23-149


NAISS Small Storage

Principal Investigator:

Pelin Sahlén


Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10610: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (methods development to be 10203)




We are working on a project that investigate the toxicity response of individuals with cancer to cytotoxic drugs. Cytotoxic drugs are given to cancer patients to reduce or eliminate tumors but some patients need to stop the treatment due to life-threatening side effects that affect immunological blood cells. We performed an experiment where we generated promoter-enhancer interaction and RNA sequencing data from three different blood cell types treated or not treated with two different commonly used cytotoxic drugs. All the data (except the raw fastq files that are backed up externally) are produced and being analysed using sllstore2017025 project. We convert high-resolution promoter-enhancer interaction maps into networks and identify genes and enhancers that are important during drug response. Our ultimate goal is to find a set of gene and enhancer variants that contribute to drug toxicity and utilise this information to predict in advance the degree of toxicity response of each individual. We have mapped all our data, produced networks and integrated with RNA sequencing data, however we are still working on prioritising which variants/genes play important roles during drug response. However since we realised mistakes in some of the alignments and analyses the project outcome is delayed. We hope to finish the project towards the end of 2023.