EMCD TEM simulations II

NAISS 2024/5-33


NAISS Medium Compute

Principal Investigator:

Klaus Leifer


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10304: Condensed Matter Physics

Secondary Classification:

20506: Metallurgy and Metallic Materials

Tertiary Classification:

21001: Nano-technology



This project aims at the simulation of EMCD spectra. It is linked to a NAISS small project, which we would like to extend. For some of the calculations, the computing time of a single simulation turned out to be longer than the allocated monthly computing time. The technique of EMCD (electron magnetic circular dichroism) in the TEM allows for analysis of orbital and spin magnetic moments in the TEM with down to atomic scale resolutions. With this technique, we want to understand magnetic properties at interfaces of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic materials. Furthermore, we will contribute to the understanding of magnetism in the novel group of van der Waals materials based magnets. In this project, we want to simulate spectra obtaining with the technique of electron energy loss spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope. The dichroic signal simulated in this work is related to a technique called EMCD (electron magnetic circular dichroism). We will carry out EMCD simulations based on the program written by Jan Rusz from Uppsala University. Simulations will be carried out to understand the EMCD signal on Fe materials and van der Waals materials. The projected length of this simulation project is about 1 year. The simulations will be accompanied by measurements of EELS spectra in the TEM.