
NAISS 2024/5-54


NAISS Medium Compute

Principal Investigator:

Love Dalen


Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10609: Genetics (medical to be 30107 and agricultural to be 40402)



This SNIC project will be used by all lab members of Dalen’s group, plus 2 NBIS support staff, who all have bioinformatics training. The overarching research theme of the group is palaeogenomic reconstruction of evolutionary dynamics in wild animals. Most of the work is part of five major lines of research: Mammoth genomics (50.000 core-hours / month) A large part of the lab group is involved in mammoth genomics which is split into multiple subprojects: • Deep-time genomics of ancient genomes (> 1 million years old) to uncover the evolution of the woolly mammoth and its ancestors. • Late Pleistocene genomics. In this project multiple high coverage mammoth genomes from the last 50.000 years are generated, including some of the last living mammoth individuals. The aim is to quantify genomic erosion, e.g. the decline in fitness over time due to extreme population declines and bottlenecks. • Mammoth adaption. In this projects hundreds of mammoth samples are sequenced at low coverage. The samples showing the best DNA preservation are sequenced to medium coverage (up to 100 individuals). This will allow fine scale identification and quantification of selective pressures specifically on the mammoth lineage, compared to outgroups (both Asian elephant and Steppe mammoths). The project also aims to identify changes in selective pressures through time as response to climatic changes and anthropogenic pressures Moose and bison genomics (20.000 core-hours / month) Multiple projects on moose and bison are run in the lab, mainly ancient specimens , ranging from a few and up to a hundred genomes. The research is mostly aimed at uncovering the demographic histories and genomic changes over time in these species. Carnivore genomics (20.000 core-hours / month) Several of the group members are working on high coverage carnivore genomes, specifically ancient genomes from brown bears (50 individuals), cave lions (10 individuals), and Arctic fox (~50 individuals). The aim is to address both phylogenomic reconstruction as well as inbreeding and mutational load within carnivores. Small herbivores (30.000 core-hours / month) Several genomic project on Arctic herbivores are conducted in the lab, aimed at uncovering demographic histories and responses to previous climatic changes within the lineages. This includes genome sequencing of 100s of Ice Age lemmings and voles, and modern lemmings and voles.