Dental diseases are major causes of suffering and healthcare spending, and are affected by host genetic factors along with other risk factors. In order to better understand the role of host genetics in dental diseases a series of large scale genome-wide association studies are currently underway in Sweden (for example - simp2021009) and elsewhere. This effort is co-ordinated by the GLIDE consortium (PI Ingegerd Johansson, Umeå)
The Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study – SCAPIS - is a large cohort with genome-wide genetic data from genotyping arrays and dental records from national registry data (SKaPa). The aim of the project is to carry out genome-wide association studies for dental diseases within SCAPIS, so that results of SCAPIS can be included in meta-analysis of studies both within Sweden and globally.
Given that genetic data and health data (from dental examination) are both sensitive, the analysis is planned to take place on the BIANCA infrastructure.
The summary results of analysis (consisting of p-values, beta coefficients etc) are not sensitive and will be transferred from BIANCA once analysis is complete.