I am conducting a meta-barcoding experiment largely based on the previous work of Thomsen & Sigsgaard (2019) [https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4809]. This is, insect eDNA on top of flowers. For this, I have used COI mini-barcode primers (~150bp amplicons) and built individual libraries (176 samples in total), which are now being sequenced by NovaSeq, at 150bp PE.
These samples were collected within a double gradient of forest density and overstory species composition (from pute birch to pure spruce plots). Our goal is to assess how pollinator diversity changes depending on the forest context in which a flower is found.
We need to perform data cleaning, adapter trimming, de-multiplexing, de-chimaerization and taxonomic annotation of the samples. This work will be done with aid from SLU Bioinformatics (SLUBI). R will be used as a software to do this work.