Planet engulfing

NAISS 2023/22-1045


NAISS Small Compute

Principal Investigator:

Bengt Gustafsson


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

10305: Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology




The effects of the presence of a planetary system in a dense star cluster has been studied by us, in particular the possibility that planets are thrown into the host 
star when neighboring stars pass by. This was made by integrating the 
equations of motion for (1) host star + planet + passing star and (2) host star +
planet + giant planet + passing star. Integration was made using symplectic
 integrators, first the Everhart RA5 and, and to check the accuracy with the Burlirsch-Stoer integrator. The passing star was given incoming random directions and with different impact parameters. The project started as an undergraduate student project of Toivo Niemi, with me, Bengt Gustafsson, as supervisor (project 2019/8-138). The results indicate that, with realistic physical parameters (stellar number densities, masses and speeds) the probability for the host stars to be polluted by scattered planets are less than 10%, and in most cases sooner about 1%. This is smaller than the fraction (about 15%) of all solar-type stars showing signs (as abnormal chemical abundances) of being polluted by planetary infall. Some of our results are astonishing and require further study. One of these is that the percentage of hits seems to be unexpectedly insensitive to the impact parameter of the passing star as long as the parameter is smaller than about 30 astronomical units. This is consistent with recent findings by Pavlik& Shore (2021) in studies of black-hole passages by the Solar system, a result which also is not fully understood. Our results do not exclude the possibility that planet engulfing could pay an important role for the chemical signatures of cluster stars. The collective fluctuating effects of the rich stellar background must be explored, more distant stars could be important, at least collectively. Our theoretical estimates suggest that these effects are marginal, but this result must be verified by further detailed simulations. The significance of incoming binary stars needs to be explored — these effects on the scattering of planets may be significantly greater than those of single stars. Our work until now suggests that the effects of binaries is limited but considerably more statistics have to collected with further simulations in order to verify and detailed this result. The effects of adding one more giant planet to the planetary system should also be explored. For this project we shall need 2 x 800 core-h/month on Rackham and 64 GiB storage at Crex 1 or alike. These estimates are based on our experience during the previous execution of the project. This work is part of our major project on the effects on the Solar system by its probable birth in a relatively dense star cluster which has led to a number of publications in international journals. The project was severely hindered by Covid19, acquired by the PI, and subsequent health problems explains the previous low consumption of computer resources. Since the situation is now improved we are ready to continue the project up to publication.