ACE WET Microplastics

NAISS 2023/23-509


NAISS Small Storage

Principal Investigator:

Elly Lucia Gaggini


Chalmers tekniska högskola

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

20107: Water Engineering



Almost 10 % of the annual production of plastics ends up in our oceans. As a result, microplastics (MP) have been detected in organisms at all levels of the marine food chain. It is estimated that 70-80 % of marine MP originates from land-based sources, transported mainly via rivers. Studies on MP in freshwater are just starting to emerge, and observations of MP are alarming as we are dependent on freshwaters for drinking water and food production. An inventory of MP sources in the Swedish environment identified surface runoff from urban areas as a major pathway. The major contributions to MP in urban runoff are traffic-related. However, there are few reports on MP in road runoff and stormwater systems. This PhD project aims at closing the knowledge gap on the occurrence and characteristics of MP in road runoff and on the fate of MP in stormwater systems and transport to receiving waters. In the projects, models are developed to describe the transport of MP from roads, through open stormwater systems and closed sewers, to receiving surface waters. This will help understand where in the stormwater system or receiving waters MP tend to accumulate, as well as where in the system and which mitigation measures should be implemented to efficiently decrease the input of MP from road runoff to the water environment. Different models are used to investigate the behaviour of microplastics. A Small compute resource from the ACE department is being used in the project to run the simulations on the Chalmers cluster. The simulations are fairly large and as different parameters are being studied and compared, it is necessary to store many simulations files simultaneously in an extended post-processing period. The storage need is however temporary and after results have been synthesized into limited amounts of tables, figures and graphs after post-processing, the data will be deleted. The modelling part of the project was initiated in the autumn of 2021 and was active until the end of 2022, after which it was temporarily put on hold to focus on sampling campaigns of environmental samples within the PhD project. The modelling activities will be resumed during autumn 2023 and there is a continued need for a Small Storage allocation. The project is estimated to be finished at the end of 2024.