Aims/objectives: This project will investigate 1.The associations between social support and the risk of chronic diseases; 2. The associations between social support and the all-cause and cause-specific mortality
Analysis methods: This project will be prospective cohort studies based on linking Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC), the cohort of Swedish men (COSM) to the Swedish national registers. The main exposure variables will be social support measured in SMS questionnaire 2008 and COSM questionnaire 2008; family status; number of people in household; living alone for how long; are you active in any club/organization. The outcome variables will be the first occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, and cancer. The all-cause and cause-specific mortality. Participants will be followed from the date of interview to the first occurrence of the diabetes/CVD/cancer, or death, or the end of the follow-up, whichever occurred first.
COX proportional hazards models to evaluate the associations (hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals) between each of the exposures and the occurrence of CVD, or diabetes or cancer, and mortality respectively. The survival time was defined as the duration from the start of the follow-up to the end of follow-up as described above.
Potential implications of study:
This project is highly relevant from public health perspective. Social support is modifiable factors and could be provided from the society or the health care personals in health promotion programs. The finding from this project would project scientific basis for design effective health promotion and disease prevention.