NAISS Medium Storage 2025

Open for Proposals

The storage must be for use together with current or future NAISS compute projects. To apply, you must be a scientist in Swedish academia, at least at the level of assistant professor.

Deadlines and Decisions

Proposals are processed monthly. Storage proposals related to compute proposals will be handled after a decision is taken on the related compute proposal. Note that staff will be on vacation during the summer and proposals submitted in July will be processed at a reduced pace.

This round is open for proposals until 2026-01-01 00:00.


Resource Centre Upper
Available Unit Note
Cephyr NOBACKUP C3SE 40 000 200 000 GiB Storage attached to Alvis and Vera at C3SE.
Storage attached to Alvis and Vera at C3SE. Please use Mimer if you only use Alvis!

Project storage based on Ceph with a total usable area of 5 PiB.
  • 14 Storage servers, each with 3 NvMe:s (for database and journal).
  • 7 JBOD, each with 42 14 TiB HDD:s.
Mimer C3SE 40 000 1 000 000 GiB The preferred project storage resource for Alvis. Currently only available from Alvis.
This is the preferred project storage resource for Alvis. Currently only available from Alvis. Allocations on Mimer will be scaled and transferred to storage on the new NAISS system Arrhenius. It is NAISS's best estimate now that this will occur early in 2026. More information will be announced as procurement and installation of Arrhenius progresses.

Project storage attached to Alvis and Vera, dedicated for AI/ML

Mimer is an all-flashed based storage system based on as solution from WEKA IO. It consists of an 0.6 PB all-flash tier and a 7 PB Ceph based bulk storage tier (with spinning disk).

Centre Storage NSC 50 000 1 200 000 GiB Storage on Centre Storage @ NSC for compute projects allocated time on NSC resources.
Centre Storage @ NSC is designed for fast access from compute resources at NSC. The purpose is to provide storage for active data for NAISS compute projects allocated time on compute resources at NSC. Apply for a file quota of 1 million files unless you have a good motivation for more. Allocations on Centre Storage will be scaled and transferred to storage on the new NAISS system Arrhenius. It is NAISS's best estimate now that this will occur late in 2025. More information will be announced as procurement and installation of Arrhenius progresses.

Project storage for NAISS as well as LiU Local projects with compute allocations on resources hosted by NSC.

Centre Storage @ NSC is designed for fast access from compute resources at NSC. It consists of one IBM ESS GL6S building block and one IBM ESS 5000 SC4 building block.

In total there are 946 spinning hard disks and a small number of NVRAM devices and SSDs which act as a cache to speed up small writes. The total disk space that is usable for storing files is approximately 6.9 PiB.

Klemming PDC 100 000 2 000 000 GiB Storage attached to Dardel at PDC
Storage for active data used by projects with compute allocations on Dardel. More information about project directories in Klemming can be found at

Project storage for NAISS as well as PDC projects with compute allocations on resources hosted by PDC.

Klemming is designed for fast access from compute resources at PCD. It uses the Lustre parallel file system, which is optimized for handling data from many clients at the same time. The total size of Klemming is 12 PB.

dCache Swestore 100 700 TiB NAISS can currently only approve storage on dCache at Swestore until 2026-01-01.
NAISS can currently only approve storage on dCache at Swestore until 2026-01-01. Storage solutions for non-hot data, such as Swestore, is being investigated in accelerated form by NAISS very early 2025, and we hope to communicate the plan for long-term services before the large allocation rounds in spring 2025 are opened.

Swestore is a Research Data Storage Infrastructure, intended for active research data and operated by the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden, NAISS,

The storage resources provided by Swestore are made available for free for academic research funded by VR and Formas through open calls such that the best Swedish research is supported and new research is facilitated.

The purpose of Swestore allocations, granted by National Allocations Committee (NAC), is to provide large scale data storage for “live” or “working” research data, also known as active research data.

See the documentation at:

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