Swestore is a Research Data Storage Infrastructure, intended for active research data and operated by the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden, NAISS,
The storage resources provided by Swestore are made available for free for academic research funded by VR and Formas through open calls such that the best Swedish research is supported and new research is facilitated.
The purpose of Swestore allocations, granted by National Allocations Committee (NAC), is to provide large scale data storage for “live” or “working” research data, also known as active research data.
See the documentation at: https://docs.swestore.seMore information about dCache @ Swestore
At this moment, you can apply for access to this resource in the following rounds:
The storage must be for use together with current or future NAISS compute projects. To apply, you must be a scientist in Swedish academia, at least at the level of assistant professor.
NAISS can currently only approve storage on dCache at Swestore until 2026-01-01.
The storage must be for use together with current or future NAISS compute projects. To apply, you must be a scientist in Swedish academia, at least at the level of PhD student.
NAISS can currently only approve storage on dCache at Swestore until 2026-01-01.
You will be apply for access to this resource in the following round later:
The storage must be for use together with current or future NAISS compute projects. To apply, you must be a scientist in Swedish academia, at least at the level of assistant professor.
This round will open in March 2025.
NAISS can currently only approve storage on dCache at Swestore until 2026-01-01.
See further information.