Bianca is a research system dedicated to analysing sensitive personal data, or other types of sensitive data.
Bianca provides 4480 cores in the form of 204 dual CPU (Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3) Huawei XH620 V3 nodes with 128GB memory, 75 fat nodes with 256 GB of memory, 15 nodes with 512 GB of memory, ten nodes with two NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs each.
More information about Bianca @ UPPMAX
At this moment, you can apply for access to this resource in the following rounds:
This NAISS-SENS round is for medium-scale projects involving sensitive personal data on the Bianca system. For projects requiring less than 20 TB of storage or 10 kch/month of compute, please see the SMALL round.
Please read the detailed instructions here to ensure a successful application.
Make sure that this project is covered by a Data Processing Agreement (personuppgiftbiträdesavtal)
See further information.
This NAISS-SENS round is for small-scale projects involving sensitive personal data on the Bianca system.
Detailed instructions on how to apply can be found here.
For a SENS Small project, the abstract should include a brief description of the planned work and a clear statement that the work involves sensitive personal data. A short motivation of the requested resources is also appropriate.
Make sure that this project is covered by a Data Processing Agreement (personuppgiftbiträdesavtal)
See further information.
This round is only for research projects that already have an approved research project with SIMPLER.
See further information.