Large-scale metabolomic profiling for personalized medicine and nutrition in SIMPLER




Principal Investigator:

Karl Michaëlsson


Uppsala universitet

Start Date:


End Date:


Primary Classification:

30302: Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology


  • Castor /proj at UPPMAX: 6000 GiB
  • Cygnus /proj at UPPMAX: 6000 GiB
  • Castor /proj/nobackup at UPPMAX: 5000 GiB
  • Cygnus /proj/nobackup at UPPMAX: 5000 GiB
  • Bianca at UPPMAX: 3 x 1000 core-h/month


In precision medicine and nutrition, identification, subgrouping, adapted prevention and treatment of disease and perturbations are key elements. The rapid development of high-throughput bioanalytical methods enables detailed OMICs analysis of human biological samples from human. To date, precision strategies have mostly been based on genomics approaches and to some extent proteomics while. However, metabolomics has been underexplored in this regard. Metabolomics is the study of substrates and products of metabolism. Untargeted metabolomcis can provide a snapshot of the current metabolic state in a biological system and reflect host related processes as well as the activity of microbiota and other domains belonging to the exposome such as diet, and their interactions. The metabolic trait is an intermediate phenotype that links the genome, proteome and exposome to the clinical endpoint. In this Ph.D. program supported by the China Scholarships Council (CSC), we will focus on integration of metabolomics and proteomics research for precision medicine of bone phenotypes and nutrition based approaches to improve early detection and prediction of disease, and development of strategies for improved nutrition adapted to individual metabotypes by using data and samples from two large prospective cohort studies in Sweden. A unique combination of two liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometers (LC-qTOF-MS) operated in four modes will be used to analyze large scale sample sets from the two cohorts. Novel algorithms recently developed by the team will be applied to data management and multivariablte analysis of data. The aim of the program is to identify new biomarkers for disease osteoporosis diagnosis, prevention and treatment and to assess dietary exposure using metabolomics approaches and use also targeted metabolomics to assess vitamin D stores in fat tissue. Samples from two cohorts will be used, both parts of the national research infrastructure SIMPLER. Firstly, the SMC-Clinical (SMCC), a sub-cohort of 5,022 women born between 1920 and 1940 and living in the city of Uppsala was established between 2003 and 2009. These women completed a questionnaire on diet and lifestyle factors and underwent a health examination. Blood, urine, and adipose tissue samples were collected at the health examination. We also measured bone mineral density bone mineral content, bone mineral area, fat mass and lean muscle mass by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Secondly, from 2010, men in the COSM who were over age 75 and living in Västerås received an invitation letter to participate in a clinical examination. The examination includes the same data collection, including fasting biological sample collection, as in the second SMC-Clinical recruitment. In addition, the wives of these men who are enrolled in the SMC have also been invited to participate in the study. At present, 6,500 men and women have been included in the examination. Plasma and fat biopsy samples from both cohorts will be used in this project.